A statistic presented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates motor crashes as the most widespread source of injuries and deaths in the U.S. and that 26% of these stem from compulsive heading. In relation to this, looking at the link between speed, negligence, and injury rests greatly within the scope of a personal injury law attorney’s interests. This article examines the intricacies of these interrelations, medical record reviews for legal purposes, and the devices attorneys can think of in order to improve their cases.
The Impact of Speed on Motor Vehicle Accidents
Understanding Speed and Its Consequences
The definition of speed is rather simple – as driving beyond the set limit m or attempting to correlate to specific road scenarios, is classified as speeding. In terms of perpopulation estimates by NHTSA, speed has accounted for a shocking 11 thousand speed-related fatalities in 2020 – speaking volumes of the paradigm Shift Crisis surrounding modern civilization. Nonetheless, the faster one moves towards a destination, the more odds one has of crashing the car due to other unforeseen circumstances.
Statistics on Speed-Related Accidents
- As of 2020 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration statistic estimates is that around 11,258 fatalities occurred in accidents in the United States.
- It is notoriously known that higher speeds come with higher risks, this can be the direct consequence of over speeding; increased severity of injuries and deaths during an accident.
The Role of Negligence in Speeding Cases
Negligence occurs when a driver does not take reasonable care that could prevent an accident from occurring. For the purposes of a speeding offense, breach of duty means that the driver did know where speed limits were and thus put other people’s lives at risk by driving over the limit.
Medical Record Review: A Vital Tool for Attorneys
What is Medical Record Review?
In this context, Medical Record Review refers to reviewing the history and treatment records of a patient to determine the extent of injuries from an incident. This step is important for lawyers, especially for Personal Injury lawsuits, as it becomes the basis for supporting a claim for damages.
How Medical Record Review Supports Legal Cases
- Causation: Medical records can help establish a prima facie case in relation to the accident and the injuries that were sustained which is critical in proving negligence, hence causation.
- Damage: If there are clear medical records, the cost involved in treatment, rehabilitation and other long term care services needed to support the patient will be well detailed, thus making it easier for an attorney to make a claim.
- A Thorough Review: This can also uncover other ailments that may be relevant for the case and put the lawyer in a better ground for any advanced defenses that may be required.
Case Studies
Case Study 1: The Intersection Collision
Overview of The Case: A client’s suffered a collision at an intersection where due to the other driver speeding.
Challenges: The other side contended that the client’s contributed to the accident by not yielding the right of way.
Solutions: An extensive review of the client’s medical records illustrated that treatment was necessary to address extensive injuries the client had sustained. Further, it was captured through traffic cameras that the other driver was speeding and ran a red light.
Case Study 2: The Rear-End Accident
Overview of The Case: A client was involved in a collision in which their vehicle was hit from the back by another car during a traffic jam.
Challenges: The defense stated from their position that the client came to a sudden stop therefore added to the accident.
Solutions: Another driver’s negligence was proven thanks to whiplash injuries and other medical issues the client suffered. In addition, expert testimony regarding the impact of speed in rear end collisions was instrumental in proving the other driver was without duty.
The relationship between speed, carelessness, and accidents involving vehicles is crucial for every lawyer who deals with personal injury cases. Attorneys can strengthen their cases by causally linking the medical records and accurately calculating damages. Attorneys can further enhance their practice by paying attention to the new statistics and changes in personal injury law alongside their clients to reassert dominance in the evolving context of the law.