Turnaround Time: One Week
Email: Review@medsmithsolutionsllc.com
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Turnaround Time: One Week
Email: Review@medsmithsolutionsllc.com

Personal Injury Case Review

MedSmith has a special team of medical-legal professionals who provide expert review of personal injury claims. We ensure to summarize all the significant medical and legal points that will help the client to take decisions based on the medical issues in the case. We provide all the essential points to substantiate the damages incurred. We also identify any pre-existing medical conditions which may act as a defense point in some cases. Our summary entitles all the strengths and weakness in the provided case and enables our clients to settle the claims.

Records we handle

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Premises Liability
  • Slip and Fall
  • Brain Injury
  • Rail Road Injuries
  • Workplace Injuries
  • Dog Bite
  • Head and Spinal Injuries
  • Workers Compensation
  • Burn Injuries
  • Toxic exposure
  • Arm Injury
  • Ear Injury

Salient features of our medical legal services

Medical Chronology

  • Presentation of important facts
  • Easy to understand and concise
  • Saves review time
  • Free Hyperlinks/Hotlinks

Settlement Demand Letter

  • Crisp presentation
  • ICD & CPT Codes
  • Billing Summary/Medical Expenses
  • Exhibits

Medical Narrative Summary

  • Internal Link Structuring
  • HTML Code Cleanup
  • Website Content Writing
  • Content Optimization

Medical Opinion

  • References pertaining to deviation
  • Easy to understand
  • Team of experienced MDs
  • Medical malpractice cases

Deposition Summary

  • Concise summaries
  • Page-line
  • Subject-line
  • Desired topic of choice

Special Reports 1

  • Treatment Chart
  • Diagnostic Studies Chart
  • Comparative Chart
  • Graphical Timeline

Special Reports 2

  • Pain and Suffering Chart
  • Pain and Medication Graph
  • Billing Summary/Expense
  • Exhibit of the bills

Additional Services

  • Med-A-Word/Med Interpret
  • PDF Sorting & Merging
  • Bookmarks
  • Hyperlinks/Hotlinks
Cases reviewed
Years Of Services